Before beginning a new school year, I like to reflect on what was accomplished the previous year.
Here's a snapshot of 2013-2014:
* Mrs. Pittman retired (and has taken several fabulous trips) and Mrs. Behrend moved from music to the library! Thank goodness for Mrs. Johnson to keep me in line!!
* The computer lab, laptop carts, and iPad carts were broken down so that more technology could be integrated into the classrooms.
* Ten additional laptops were purchased along with 10 more iPads to be utilized in our collaborative Synergy Suite space.
* All students underwent library orientation with videos, quizzes, and scavenger hunts.
* We adopted the "Leader in Me" and the library had a transformation with murals relating to the 7 Habits.
* We have continued to offer flexible-access and kindergartners have weekly storytimes.
* MTAC (Media and Technology Advisory Committee) formed and wrote a two-year tech plan.
* "The Loop at the Lake" was born, a weekly video announcement by students every Friday.
* The PTA donated money from the book fair in the fall and spring to purchase over $1500 worth of books.
* Wendell Rotary club donated $500 for book purchases from Quail Ridge.
* Our Storybird Authors Club wrote and published seven bilingual books that are now a part of our library collection.
* Students created book trailers and reviews for almost 100 "interactive" books using QR codes.
* Fifth grade students researched three weekly stories using the eWISE model and reported them on "The Loop at the Lake."
* Scads of student work has been published on our Pinterest page.
* All computers in the building were upgraded to Windows 7 - let the troubleshooting continue!!
* Almost every teacher leader in the building supported reading with a book review. Our Pinterest wall of fame continues to grow.
* We had "Book Madness" in March to celebrate Read Across America with a beginning bracket of "Sweet 16" authors and an ending champion, Dr. Seuss... over 60,000 reading minutes were logged and over 1600 books were read that week. Ms. Wall totally lost in the Wrestlemania Reading Challenge, but the students won as they watched Mrs. Zarzecki and Ms. Wall sumo wrestle at our reading celebration to end the week. Listening to the whole school read "Oh the Thinks You Can Think" out loud was exciting and moving at the same time. What a fun week of reading!
* We had books on wheels anytime the library was closed to continue access this year.
* The LMES website was somewhat rebuilt due to upgrade issues.
* A new media tech webpage was created using a fun tool called Thinglink.
* Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Behrend started the online graphic novel "Media Mayhem... This is Your Library!"
* Lunch in the Library on Fridays was started to give kids the option to hang out in the library.
* Miss Adams and Mrs. Behrend started weekly technology professional development videos for teachers.
* Mrs. Behrend gave a reading professional development and a PDpdq review with Miss Adams.
* Over 117 technology woes were answered (documented).
* Over 37,000 circulations (yes, that means we shelved 37,000 books, too:) this year and over 700 holds were placed.
* Student library leaders helped in the mornings and with shelving, adult volunteers assisted as well.
* "Storytime with Sibs" was born and PK students were invited to the Lake for a story and a chat with a staff member four times per quarter.
* Oh, and Mrs. Behrend is finally finished with grad school... again!!
Whew, it's been a busy and productive year. I'm looking forward to another fabulous year in the media center with even more awesome research and reading!!
Keep reading,
Mrs. Behrend