Tuesday, November 25, 2014

BYOD... What is it Anyway?

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device.  It's an initiative that's taking hold in schools and businesses in an effort to turn "no zones" into "yes zones."  People are simply more comfortable with their own technology.  Many adults and students alike carry a very powerful computer in their pocket daily in the form of smartphones.  For years, students have been told to turn their devices off when they enter the building or not to bring them at all.  That mantra is no longer a reality in today's connected age.  Why not let students turn their devices into productive tools for learning instead of merely using them for social networking?  BYOD has multitudes of pros and cons; simply search it and you will find a slew of articles for and against it.  Several districts across the country are successfully implementing BYOD, and WCPSS is turning to those districts for guidance during this pilot year.  At LMES we are doing a very small pilot with only 2 classes starting BYOD.  Once we've worked through the bumps and policies, we hope to be able to determine whether BYOD is a great fit for Lake Myra or not!

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